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  • ‘Minecraft Legends’ Is A New Action-strategy Game Coming 2022

    A new Minecraft game has had its world premiere at the Xbox Summer Games Fest – one that allows you to construct structures and command your allies to fight off enemies. Xbox Games Studios has showcased a short video clip of Minecraft Legends at the event and has also announced that the action-strategy game will be coming sometime in 2023. It was developed in collaboration with Blackbird Interactive and will feature an online campaign co-op mode as well as multiplayer competitive mode. Dennis Ries, the game’s executive producer, said the studio will release more details about the game later in the year.

    Minecraft Legends will require you to defend the Overworld from an invading army piglins. all about video games ‘ll have to forge alliances with mobs and lead them into strategic battles against the invading forces. Ries said that the game will have an exciting adventure that will provide numerous surprises for new and experienced Minecraft players. The studio has only shared a few details about the game’s upcoming release however, and has promised to reveal more details about it soon. To stay up to date with the latest developments in Minecraft Legends, you can also follow the official Minecraft Legends twitter account.

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